Monday, May 4, 2015

What I love about this house.....

Where do I begin?.....

The character...this house is filled with character.

As old as this house is, we are only the third family to ever live here.

The W-I-D-E-B-O-A-R-D floors are so wide, they redefine wideboard.

The amazing grain painted wood wall in the master bedroom.

Looking out the window and seeing the night skiing lights on at Jiminy Peak.

Watching the kids develop a love for skiing and snowboarding.

Only living five minutes away when they are finished skiing and snowboarding.

We have found some neat thing written in the walls after we removed wallpaper. We found 1796 written in the chimeny of e laundry room fireplace after we exposed the brick. We also found 1820 in the plaster after peeling the wallpaper in our sons' room.

The smoker built into the chimney in the master bedroom (more on that in a later post).

The stone steps that are still out by the edge of the road that people would use to get in and out of their horse and carriage. You can see it in the antique photo of the family gathered in front of the house that I posted in an older entry. 

Spring flowers......tons of lilacs and daffodils!

This beautiful grain painted wall was hiding behind a plaster wall. Historically they would grain paint pine to make it look like more expensive wood. We happened to find it when making a hole in the plaster to put in insulation. The original hardware is on the grain painted door....H-L hinges and a leather strap to open the door.  

The 1796 we found in the chimney....would be easy to miss.

Found this under the wallpaper in one of the bedrooms.